LIST OF 100 KURDISH WORKS – Sobarto, Novel
January 30, 2024

Summary of the selection processes for juries and 100 works
“Kurdish Culture: 100 Outstanding Kurdish Works in 100 Years“ project as part of the Commemorations of the Treaty of Lausanne
- Ten members and volunteers of the MALA KURDAN association in Switzerland have formed a committee and started work.
- A text and a table in three languages were prepared and sent to experts and academics.
- For those wishing to make proposals, brochures were published in three languages on the website (https://malakurdan.org/) and on social media pages.
- Academics and experts responded and proposed works, becoming the selection jury. For example, messages were sent to well-known Kurdish musicians to identify the best works in the music category; to academics, professors of Kurdology and famous Kurdish writers in the literature category; to painters and artists in the visual arts category, and so on. In addition, the 10 members of the committee set up for the project expressed their opinions and proposed works in their relevant categories. The total number of jury members was 28.
- In all, some 400 works were proposed. The organizing committee selected 100 works from these works and sent the list to the work proposers to take their final comments.
- After the proposed revisions, the final list emerged and is published on the project website (https://100berhemenkurdi.com/).
- The Kurds are proud to have produced hundreds of works in all fields over the last hundred years and to have presented them to the culture of mankind. Of course, choosing one hundred works from thousands was a very difficult task, and many works are more precious than the others. We are grateful to all Kurdish laborers and contributors to world civilization.